Monday, November 17, 2008

Quick Robin, to the bat house!

Since cold weather is coming on, there is not much going on with the bees other than what is discussed in the post below. One of the things I have been wanting to get for awhile is a bat house. The models that were available at the local outdoor stores did not impress me. So, I checked this book out from the library and used it to make my own bat house.

I made the whole thing out of some leftover cedar boards and plywood from a construction project. The only thing I had to buy was some $4.99 red stain for the plywood parts. I can't wait until spring to put it out and see if some bats take up residence.

Below is a shot of the four inner chambers. There is only 3/4 of an inch between them, but that's enough for the bats:

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